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Artist:Ape Rib

  • Indie
  • Metal
  • Punk
Illawarra, NSW



    APE RIB are a three piece band considered part of the noise rock, post hardcore and alternative rock genres. They have the kind of sound you have heard before but haven’t really. Urgent intense vocals and angular guitar over heavy solid rhythms and grinding bass. They have gigged over the past two years supporting bands such as Further, the Celibate Rifles, The Meanies, Hard-Ons and the Bakelite Age as well as supporting ‘The Clouds’ recently under their alterego ‘Mount Glorious’. They found themselves falling into the Jesus Lizard, Shellac, Future of the Left and perhaps at times Slint category of influences Nik (guitar/vocals)- formerly of Brisbane band ‘Hateman’ followed that with a year or so with ‘Lustre 4’ and more locally/recently ‘Captain Nemo’ and ‘Little Death’ Phil (drums/backing vocals)- formerly of Tasmanian band ‘Fridge’, with a brief stint in ‘Tumbleweed’ and more locally/recently ‘El Sanchez’ and ‘Little Death’ Andy (bass/backing vocals)- formerly of NZ punk bands ...


    Nik - guitar/vocals
    Phil - drums
    Andy - bass


